Sunday, June 29, 2008

Operation escargot 30th June 2008

I've been hearing from French friends that a national Operation Escargot in France is planned for tomorrow the 30th of June and that driving in France is going to be a nightmare.
Plan your route carefully and be sure to take a GPS or set of maps to enable you to navigate via the back roads if the operation escargot does in fact occur tomorrow in France.
Don't forget to have your fluorescent jacket and warning triangle in your car for the 1st of July - it will be mandatory for driving in France!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Fete de la Musique in France

Saturday 21st June is the Fete de la Musique - Which will ensure many people living in towns throughout Brittany and France as a whole will not be getting to sleep very early tonight.

The Fete de la Musique usually involves free concerts and music in towns throughout France. In Brittany my local town of Pontivy will have several bands and different types of music spread throughout the town center. It's a night where the police will not be telling bars and clubs to turn down their music!

Get out there and enjoy the closed streets and the families walking from band to band soaking up the atmosphere and meeting friends.

The Fete de la Musique only happens once a year in France!!!!! Doesn't happen at all in the UK :o

Monday, June 16, 2008


As of the 1st of July 2008 you are required to carry not only a warning triangle in your car but also a fluorescent safety vest while driving in France. In fact the safety vest must be carried inside the car and not in the boot.

If you are involved in an accident or breakdown whilst driving in France, or assit someone in an accident or breakdown in France, you are required to wear your reflective saftey jacket.

Read the full driving in France article click here!